Reiki Courses

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explore roxanne’s New Online

Reiki Mastery Classes

Open yourself to the purest divine connection we call Usui Reiki.


I now offer Online Reiki Classes for students to complete their levels I-IV and receive their Reiki Mastery, with an option to also learn Animal Healing & Communication. 

Reiki is a phenomenal modality to have within your practice, you experience the Universal Energy first hand and learn to manipulate it to help yourself, your loved ones, and your community heals through love and trust. It is a energy healing technique that you can start to learn by using it on yourself and in your own life. Once you gain confidence and experience with the energy you can then go on to practice on others as well. Reiki energy can be utilized on more than just humans. Animals, pets, plants, your food, your house, vehicle, clothing; anything can be infused with the loving touch of Reiki energy.

Reiki energy cannot harm anything. I like to sprinkle a little bit of it everywhere. It really is a modality where you learn to develop a deeper connection with the Universal Divine Energy that some refer to as God, the Universe or the Divine. This connection can never be broken, and the more you apply the teachings the stronger your connection gets.  

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Opening Your Intuition is an introductory course on using your intuition. It’s where anyone pursuing an interest in spiritual connection would begin their learning journey. We speak about connecting in various ways and using different senses because everyone connects differently with spirit.  

We hone in on your gifts and offer you experiences that help you best connect the way that works for you. This is the perfect starting place for anyone interested in really learning how to understand their sixth sense. 

This class is offered for an investment of $99

This class is offered for an Investment of $99


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Learning about your Spirit Guides is a fun way to move forward in your spiritual journey. Opening to the spirit world that was meant to guide you from birth and help you learn and experience your unique lessons, to guide you in your purpose and help you step into your most authentic and powerful self is a great place to be.

These guides will help you deepen into your own spiritual journey and help you open your intuitive nature all that much more. It’s like having friends in the spirit realm who can easily communicate with you and offer you insights you’ve never heard before. 

This class is offered for an investment of $149

This class is offered for an Investment of $149

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This course was made to deepen into all things about chakras & auras. This is a topic I speak about in both of the Reiki courses where it’s offered as only a module, and there was just more to teach around this topic so a whole course was created to give it more time and information. 

Working with your chakras and understanding your aura is crucial to doing any type of energy work. These are the energy centers of your body. This is the energy we are working with within your energy field. These are the areas of the body that shift and change with any energy work that gets completed. These energy centers then go on to create your physical being by the energy that they are holding. 

This class is offered for the Investment of $249

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Everyone has some kind of physical discomfort they recognize in their lives. Reiki energy has the ability to help work through physical discomforts, whatever they may be. This is your first introduction to Reiki course. You will receive your first attunement to the healing energy and will begin by learning to do a Reiki treatment on yourself. We will open up with a discussion on the history and lineage of where Reiki came from and then move into a discussion on what universal energy is and how to work with it.

We talk about how to open your intuition and how to recognize that you are working with the spiritual energy. We introduce you to your spirit guides and help you understand how they work together with you to strengthen the sessions. We also learn to connect with our angels and spirit guides. These spirit beings will help us conduct our sessions and stay with us as we help heal ourselves and others. They will act as guides and messengers of the divine and help us expand our intuition as we practice.

Learning about the chakra system is one of the first ways to understand the energy we hold in our bodies. Our physical bodies are a conductor of energy, we can give and receive energy through our energy centres. So as we learn about healing the physical body we must understand the energy of the body to do so. As well, we talk about healing the aura around the body and how to understand that as well. We discuss the physical well-being of a person and how we can use our Reiki experience to help us develop on our spiritual journey.

First we practice self healing. This is a very important first step so we can understand the power we have and know we have the power to heal ourselves. We then learn to do a treatment on another to continue practicing with the energy movement and gaining healing experience. Finally, we move into practicing how to do distance sessions to understand that time and space makes no difference to the healing work we do.

We also learn that we store a lot of our emotions in our bodies. If we are not dealing with our emotions as they arise then we are storing them in our bodies, and we must deal with these pent up emotions as they will start to cause illness and dis-ease in our bodies. Where we do find physical illness, there is more than likely a emotional response to that area we need to deal with as well.

Level I and Level II are bundled together for an investment of $499

Level I and Level II are bundled together for an investment of $499

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To take Animal Healing and Communication you need to start with a Level I & II Reiki Experience. We begin this course by doing a quick review of Reiki I & II, but then we jump right into the difference between animal energy and the energy you experience with humans. We go over where to locate the Chakras on the five basic animals I refer to: Cats, Dogs, Horses, Cows and Birds. 

We then jump right into practicing Reiki on an animal of your choice. We do an in-person session and a distance session so you can practice and offer both types of sessions. There is a whole module offering specifics on each animal we speak about. Each animal has a different essence and you will feel or get a different vibe or connection with different species, as well as the unique individual animals. 

We then move into the animal communication piece of the class. First it was learning how to use your abilities to help heal the animals, but the communication piece (which can work both ways) is there to help offer you spiritual connection and wisdom. By connecting to the animals it gives us a direct connection with spirit and can offer some very powerful messages and wisdom for you. We receive these messages through physical interaction, emotional connections, mental connections or spiritual wisdom. This is such a powerful way to continue to open up your intuitive abilities and strengthen your gifts and natural connections.   

This class is offered for an Investment of $349

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The Advanced Reiki class, Level III, is a space to really expand on the Reiki experience you already have gained through your personal practice and from the first two courses. We now get into the discussion of vibration and consciousness. We discuss the idea that its our thoughts and belief systems that create our emotional turmoil and cause our physical pain.We learn methods of clearing and healing our limiting or negative thought patterns and belief systems. We teach how to help ourselves and our clients move up the scale of consciousness to a more mindful and positive lifestyle.   

We also lightly speak about the energy of negative energy, spirit release and psychic attack. We teach how to bring these dark energies to light, how to notice them and remove anything you notice in the way of negative blocks and energy attachments. 

We also dive into the use of crystals, incense, music and other natural healing supplies to help us boost our session to the maximum. The earth provided us with the natural healing ability of crystals and essential oils so by using these in our sessions we can enhance the experience for our clients and ourselves. 

Level IV is the final and mastery level of the Reiki classes. Here we discuss the business of Reiki and how to teach others to use this amazing modality. You’ll understand how to do the attunements and what each level consists of. We will go over how to get started or continue on your Reiki business ventures using your intuition and spiritual guidance to lead you on your way. 

We reiterate each of the levels teachings and talk about our personal spiritual journeys forward. Reiki Mastery is not just another class to graduate but its a way of life and we need to make sure we are continuing to practice and teach the fundamentals of this amazing technique. First and foremost we need to embody it in our everyday lives, not just in the healing room but in our business and within ourselves. Integrity is easily noticed and rewarded in our practice. This journey is really a never ending way of self healing and practice. And as Reiki Masters we must make sure we continue to hold the highest standards for ourselves and continue to trust our intuition and heal through our own fears to live our best and most authentic life.   


Level III and Level IV are bundled together for an Investment of $999

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The Animal Healing Bundle includes both Reiki Level I & II and Animal Healing & Communications courses.

If you are wanting to learn more about Animal Healing and Communication this is the bundle for you. Reiki I & II is the prerequisite for this class, so these two must be taken together. I offer a payment plan option and a discounted rate if you purchase these two together. 

Reiki I & II and Animal Healing & Communications are bundled together for an investment of $749

Reiki I & II and Animal Healing & Communications are bundled together for an Investment of $749

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The Reiki Mastery Bundle includes Both Reiki Level I & II and Reiki III & IV giving you the complete Reiki Mastery certification.  

If you are wanting to complete the full Reiki experience and become a Reiki Master & Teacher this bundle is for you. With this bundle a payment plan  and discount are offered. 


Reiki I & II Reiki III & IV are bundled together for an Investment of $1,249

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The Reiki & Animal Healing Mastery Bundle gives you the full Reiki experience. It includes all three of the Reiki Mastery Courses:
*Reiki Level I & II
*Animal Healing & Communication
*Reiki III & IV 

If you are wanting to complete the full Reiki experience and become a Reiki Master & Teacher while being able to take this practice into the world of animals as well, this bundle is for you. With this bundle a payment plan and discount are offered. 

If you purchase this bundle you will also receive free of charge all of the Reiki supplementary courses:
*Opening Your Intuition
*Chakras & Auras
*Spirit Guides 101

The full Reiki experience is bundled together for an investment of $1,499 


The Full Reiki Experience is bundled together for an Investment of $1,499

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